Feature Film about Homeless Man, To Donate Half of Film’s Profits to Homeless.

If firstly you don't succeed, do everything on your own and give half to charity.


Michael Stein has been a struggling actor and filmmaker since he was 15 years old, but that is where his common story ends. Forgoing the actor’s route to work as a waiter, he chose the entrepreneurial route and become a self made millionaire red carpet months in business. After that he did what any self proclaimed desperate actor/filmmaker would do and play the lead roles in films he wrote, directed and produced. His independent films have always been under half a million dollars, ultra low quality by today’s standards but they are not without merit and name talent. His last film, “Love Hollywood Style” starred Faye Dunaway, Andy Dick, Coolio and Stephen Tobolowsky and it has become a cult comedy classic. Michael says he is still a struggling filmmaker and actor with pride, the only real difference is he struggles in fashion more than he use to. In order for him to get to that point the road was for a long time.

Stein’s, first role came when he was cast by his friend Paul Thomas Anderson to play the lead role of Dirk Diggler within the original short film “The Dirk Diggler Story”, that later had become the feature film “Boogie Nights” which Michael Appears in too. The acting roles never came easy to him. After several years of the struggling actors lifestyle, Michael decided to learn how to be a filmmaker and became a production assistant.

Getting funding happens to be a struggle. The past several years in Hollywood have experienced a major change. As Stein puts it, "They are not handing out movie deals like hotcakes how they use to in the 90s."

Stein admits he would gladly quit the reins of financing and producing if he'd outside finding. Since he made his last film, the economy has slipt into a recession and he now has a family to support. “When I was single I never thought twice about taking a chance on budgeting my own films, now I have a wife and two daughters, that changes your mind-set”

It’s been 4 years since Stein made his last film. The issue was self funding a movie in a bad economy along with the obligations of supporting his family. He knew about crowd funding websites like kickstarter.com but did not feel that any of his scripts would match a crowd funding concept. He then created an idea that he felt would be with the right vehicle. A film that would be funded 100% by the public about someone who is homeless and the earnings of the film benefiting homeless causes. The story and also the concept came easily, he said. “I felt possessed. I wrote the rough draft to screenplay within a month.”

The film is called “The Guitar Player”. The story is about a homeless street performer who gets a second chance in everyday life but struggles with his painful past. At seventeen, Robert Shiller (a.k.a “Robert Shiller The Killer”) would be a champion high school wrestler in a small town in Northern California. One week before the state championship, Robert accidentally killed his best friend and team mate, during practice. Losing his friend and the social stigma in a small town was a lot more than he could bear, so he ran away from home, grabbing only what he could easily fit in his wresting bag and the best friend’s guitar even though he did not know how to play. Our story begins twenty years later with Robert living on the streets.

The film is anticpated to be shot in January 2012 contingent upon the funds can be raised publically. The film’s kickstarter campaign also offers a high concept. One from the packages, a thirty five hundred dollar pledge allows businesses to promote their products at each from the premieres, which will be in several major cities, including L.A. and Ny. Another package, a ten thousand dollar pledge includes “An Event for any Day” where one thousand tarps will be donated to a local homeless shelter and a screening in a cinema in the city of your choice, all being promoted in honor of the pledge contributor. There are many other elaborate incentives built around the premieres and promotion of the film. Tricks of the trade Stein learned working with Peter Guber and John Peters on movie promotions when he was a twenty years old nightclub promoter.

The minimal funding goal for the film was set at a hundred and fifty thousand. A typical low amount is definitely set for projects on kickstarter because of their “all of nothing” policy. Stein and also the Line Producer Aimee Flaherty aspire to break the kickstarter’s funding record for a film, which is approximately half a million.

The fundraising campaign is being held for fifty days and expires on October 21st. If you are looking at learning more about the film, you can visit the website at: www.theguitarplayermovie.com